Notes of Faith November 3, 2022

Notes of Faith November 3, 2022

Ordinary Mornings, Extraordinary Grace

Sure as the Sunrise

From His fullness we have all received, grace upon grace — John 1:16

Today, take note of what brings you gladness. That which gives you pause or causes you to take a deep breath. These are glimpses of God’s goodness in our lives, brought to life through moments and things, memories and sounds. Realizations and hope. In its biggest forms: a moment you wish you could freeze in time, and in its smallest: a sliver of grace, otherwise overlooked.

I wake up to the smell of fresh laundry, sheets cool against my skin. One eye open, I peek down at the floor next to me, and there you are in your pink sleeping bag, wearing your cheerleading camp T-shirt.

I stare at you a while, smiling at who you once were, all bright pink lips and big, bold, spunky laugh. And who you are now: deeply loving, a servant’s heart, a laugh still the color of sunshine.

You wake, voice full of sleep, and say, “Hi, Mama. I’ll make you some coffee, okay?” and you’re off, wide awake in just a few seconds flat.

And now here I am, cup of coffee in my favorite Ted Lasso mug, brought to me by my favorite six-year-old barista who just learned how to work the Keurig. Splash of cream, made with love. Ordinary morning, extraordinary grace.

Name your delights today. What’s your ordinary moment full of extraordinary grace?

"Live today with eyes wide open."

– Emily Ley

Mercy and Delight

You are altogether beautiful, my darling; there is no flaw in you.

— Song of Solomon 4:7 NIV

There’s something about writing that makes you live life with your eyes wide open. I’ve learned, though, that this is a lovely thing to practice. Moments of mercy and delight are all around us, but like our fleeting moments of in-between bliss, they will evaporate like snowflakes landing on warm palms if we don’t pause long enough to notice them.

A butterfly flying in an open window. Fluttering in, then right back out. Little butterflies don’t belong in houses; what could he be doing here? This is what hope feels like.

A genuine moment with a child, eyes locked. “Mommy, you’re the very best.” Please stay this age forever, my darling. This is what love feels like.

Rainy Saturday mornings, the kids watching cartoons outside our door, me curled up with you. You always said that spot was mine. I think I’ll stay here a while, the rain reminding us of the warmth and safety of home, everything we love inside these walls. This is what trust feels like.

A North Carolina waterfall, hundreds of miles from home, the three of us totally outside of our comfort zones, relishing the mountain air, the adventure of the day, God’s glorious creations on grand display, nature beaming at us from every direction. This is what growth feels like.

Consider your moments of mercy and delight God reveals Himself to us in these tiny moments, those fluttering lashes, the sound of the rain on our windows. As you move about your day, take note. Live today with eyes wide open.

Excerpted from Sure as the Sunrise by Emily Ley, copyright Emily Ley.

There are glorious blessings of God’s glory all around us! A smile from a neighbor or even a stranger on the street. The beauty of old trees and beautiful flowers, clear flowing streams, crashing waterfalls. With all of the pain and suffering in our lives we can still expect the glory of God to bless us each new day. Be aware of His gifts to you and give thanks for His grace, more than enough to lift your heart and soul!

Pastor Dale