Notes of Faith November 2, 2022

Notes of Faith November 2, 2022

Don't Forget Thanksgiving

Let us come before His presence with thanksgiving; let us shout joyfully to Him. — Psalm 95:2

Have you ever noticed how after Halloween, many stores immediately bring out their prelit trees, ornaments, Christmas wreaths, and candy canes? The weeks between Halloween and Christmas are often a blur of colored leaves and turkey, prepping for gift shopping, and holiday parties.

In the frenzy of holiday preparations and Black Friday deals, it can be all too easy for us to skim over Thanksgiving. Sure, we serve the turkey and gravy, and mention what we’re grateful for, but do we linger on giving thanks? Or once the Black Friday and Cyber Monday deals come out, do we immediately focus on all the things we want and all the savings we could have? Are we more excited about counting the gifts than we are about counting our blessings?

When the retail world becomes loud, ask the Lord to speak louder. When your eyes become focused on the newest, shiniest gadgets, ask Jesus to fix your eyes on Him and His gifts — and on the greatest gift of salvation.

Don’t let autumn and its season of gratitude get lost in the blur of Christmas fanfare. Let Thanksgiving have its day — and its attitude — in your heart.

Father, I’m so grateful for an annual reminder to give You thanks. Keep me focused on all I have, not on all I want.

Growing in Gratitude

Shout joyfully to the LORD, all the earth; break forth in song, rejoice, and sing praises. — Psalm 98:4

In this world of both instant communication and Instant Pots, it’s important to remember that some important things come slowly. Hear the wisdom of radio host and author Nancy Leigh DeMoss:

The grateful heart that springs forth in joy is not acquired in a moment; it is the fruit of a thousand choices. ~ Choosing Joy

As much as we may want to live with a heart rooted in gratitude, we can’t flip a switch or push a button to make that happen. Arriving at the point is a process, and by definition a process takes time.

Every new day gives us countless opportunities to develop gratitude. Think of it: with everything we see, hear, taste, touch, think, and experience, we can choose to be grateful. Review your day so far. Identify a handful of moments when you expressed thankfulness — and another handful when you could have, and be grateful now!

Many things develop and improve over time. Today let’s be encouraged that we are more thankful today than we were yesterday — and that we can choose to be even more thankful tomorrow.

Lord, give me a keener awareness and appreciation of Your goodness every day.

Excerpted from 365 Devotions for a Thankful Heart, copyright Zondervan.

I can’t imagine waking up each day and not giving thanks to God for another day! Maybe it is because I am a little older and don’t take some things for granted as much as I used to, but we should always expect the glory of God to show up in our lives every day. And therefore, we should give thanks as it begins. Give thanks to God for God! Give thanks for others!

Pastor Dale