Notes of Faith January 27, 2025
Where Revival Begins
Now before him there was no king like him, who turned to the Lord with all his heart, with all his soul, and with all his might, according to all the Law of Moses; nor after him did any arise like him.
2 Kings 23:25
Josiah was crowned king of Judah at age eight. When he was twenty years old, he began instituting spiritual and religious reforms in Judah. Why? Because workers in the temple found a copy of the Book of the Law which had been ignored (2 Kings 22).
Josiah called the people together and read the words of the covenant of God with Israel and called on the people to renew their obedience. He set about to remove all the centers of idol worship in the land and removed the priests who had served false gods (2 Kings 23). When Josiah was 26 years old, he declared that Passover should be celebrated, a feast that had been ignored for years. No king before or after Josiah did as much to revive faithfulness to God in Judah. And it all began with the discovery and application of the Word of God.
Whether a nation or an individual—revival begins with reading and applying the Word of God.
It may be said that revivals thrive on the Word and the Word is exalted in revivals.
Arthur Skevington Wood
Believers need to be more heavenly minded than focusing on the things of this world. It will come to an end. God and His Word will never end. Let our conversations and priorities speak of God and eternal things.
Ps 119:25
25 My soul cleaves to the dust;
Revive me according to Your word.
All that is in this life takes me closer to death. Revive me, oh Lord, and use me to bring revival in the hearts of others that we might live and prove the eternal life that we have been given, even now…today!
Pastor Dale