Notes of Faith January 20, 2025

Notes of Faith January 20, 2025

Eternal Inheritance

[You are born again] to an inheritance incorruptible and undefiled and that does not fade away, reserved in heaven for you.

1 Peter 1:4

You Can’t Take It with You was a Pulitzer Prize–winning 1936 comedic play by George Kaufman and Moss Hart that became an Academy Award–winning movie in 1938. It is about a highly eccentric extended family whose curious members involve themselves in any number of complicated situations. On one occasion, the patriarch of the family tells a younger member to enjoy his wealth while he can since, “You can’t take it with you.”

Ironically, Jesus suggested there is a way—in a manner of speaking—to “take it with you.” He said that instead of storing up wealth on earth where moth, thieves, and rust can ruin it, we should store up treasures in heaven where their value will never be diminished. (Matthew 6:20). Perhaps Peter was thinking of these words when he described the Christian’s eternal inheritance as “incorruptible and undefiled and that does not fade away.”

Because our living hope is in Christ, our eternal inheritance will likewise live forever. It is “reserved in heaven” for us.

An inheritance is not only kept for us, but we are kept for it.

Richard Sibbes

Matt 6:19-21

19 "Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. 20 But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moth and rust do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. 21 For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.”

Life on earth is only a shadow of what eternal life will be. We who worship, follow and serve God, must continue to store up treasure in heaven until the Lord takes us from this life to the next! Praise God from whom all blessings flow!

Pastor Dale