Notes of Faith August 30, 2024

Notes of Faith August 30, 2024

Build Up, Not Tear Down

Let no corrupt word proceed out of your mouth, but what is good for necessary edification, that it may impart grace to the hearers.

Ephesians 4:29

The Greek word for “edification” is formed from two other Greek words: the word for house (oikos) and the verb to build (doma). When applied to a person, the word is best rendered in English as “edification” (note the root of edifice or building).

The question then is, how do we build a person? First, think of how we would tear down a person. By harsh criticism, negative comments, discouraging or disparaging words. So how would we build up a person? By encouraging words, helpful actions, motivational or nurturing speech—according to the needs of the moment. The goal is to “impart grace to the hearers,” which means to benefit the person rather than corrupt the person. When constructing a building, individual parts are added according to need: lumber, bricks, wire, plumbing, paint, and more. Each part plays a role in constructing the house. And speech can do the same thing by adding a timely and beneficial word that will add to a person’s growth and development.

Look for an opportunity every day to impart grace to someone by using timely and beneficial words.

Whatever moves the heart wags the tongue.

C. T. Studd

If we love people good thoughts will come to mind and “building up” words will be on our tongue. As followers of Jesus we should always strive to give mercy and grace even if that is not what we receive in return. Ask God for a heart of love, to be less bitter and selfish. He will provide all that you need.

Pastor Dale