Notes of Faith July 27, 2024

Notes of Faith July 27, 2024

Look-Alikes: The Faithfulness of Mary of Bethany

And [Martha] had a sister called Mary, who also sat at Jesus’ feet and heard His word. Luke 10:39

When kindergarten teachers or library employees host a story hour for children, the setting is familiar: The one reading the story sits in a chair while the children sit on the floor at her feet. This posture is age-old; it was employed in the first century by Jewish rabbis as they instructed their students (Matthew 5:1; John 8:2).

The apostle Paul received his training in Judaism as a young man sitting “at the feet of Gamaliel” (Acts 22:3), the most revered rabbi in Jerusalem. Given Paul’s encyclopedic knowledge of the law and the Old Testament, Paul must have been a faithful student for many years. We find another faithful student at the home of three siblings in Bethany: Martha, Mary, and Lazarus. When Jesus visited in their home, Martha busied herself with preparations for their meal, while Mary “sat at Jesus’ feet and heard His word.” When Martha complained to Jesus about Mary’s lack of helpfulness, Jesus commended Mary for her faithfulness in choosing the better priority (Luke 10:41-42).

Mary was a faithful disciple of Jesus, taking every opportunity to hear Him teach. Follow Mary’s example of faithfulness in receiving God’s Word.

Today we read our Bibles to hear Jesus/God speak. We learn truth, love, repentance, salvation, worship, obedience, righteous living. Daily listening to the Word of God is foundational for the pursuit of God in holy living. Open your Bible today and listen to God speak to you!

Pastor Dale