Notes of Faith May 25, 2024
Today could be a dark day for our family as we lay our husband, dad, grand-dad, and great-grand-dad to rest. But we actually celebrate his home-going after the blessing of the life God gave him and the years we spent together. No more pain, sorrow, suffering…just the joy of being in the presence of his Savior forever. And, we look forward to joining him some day. That too, will be an eternal blessing. We are praising God today, for his love for us, his provision for us, through dad, William Dean Lawson. Services today, at Community Grace Brethren Church, 5885 Downey Ave. Long Beach, CA. 90805, 11:45 A.M.
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Thank you for your love and prayers of comfort for our family.
Todays devotion speaks of our dad who praised God in all circumstances!
Worshiping in the Darkness
I will praise You with my whole heart; before the gods I will sing praises to You.
Psalm 138:1
The nineteenth-century South African pastor and writer Andrew Murray was feeling unwell one day when he wrote down a few paragraphs in his journal. The last line he wrote was a summary: “I am here (1) by God’s appointment, (2) in His keeping, (3) under His training, (4) for His time.”1
In short, Andrew Murray wrote down four reasons for worshiping God even in times of trouble. If we are where we are by God’s appointment, in His keeping, under His training, and for His time, what could we possibly have to worry about? Those four points are usually what we think when things are going well, when we really feel like worshiping God. But if they are true all the time, even when things are hard, why wouldn’t we worship God in those times as well? We agree with Job: “Shall we indeed accept good from God and shall we not accept adversity?”
(Job 2:10)
We don’t worship God because things are good or otherwise. We worship Him because of His sovereign oversight and care for our life.
Never doubt in the dark what God told you in the light.
V. Raymond Edman
God is good all the time, and all the time God is good!
Pastor Dale