Notes of Faith March 31, 2024
He is Risen!
Why do you look for the living among the dead? He is not here; He has risen! — Luke 24:5-6
Epic, groundbreaking, world-changing. Every word falls short of capturing the magnitude of Easter Sunday. It’s the most significant event in world history and in the lives of Jesus followers.
Christ is risen from the dead!
It was early Sunday morning when the women went to the tomb to tend to Jesus’ burial site. As they approached the tomb, they were shaken because they realized the stone had been rolled away, and when they entered the tomb, they couldn’t find the body. Two angels approached them and asked,
Why do you look for the living among the dead? He is not here; He has risen! — Luke 24:5–6
Then they remembered Jesus had said,
The Son of Man must be delivered over to the hands of sinners, be crucified and on the third day be raised again. — Luke 24:7
Christ is risen from the dead!
The powers of darkness had taken their best shot at Jesus as He hung on the cross. And yet, things unfolded precisely the way Jesus said they would (Matthew 16:21). Death could not hold Jesus in the grave, and on the third day, He stepped out of the tomb. You serve a risen God who is as alive today as He was on that resurrection Sunday. No power of hell and no force of evil can prevail over Him!
Rejoice that you belong to Him and that with Him all things are possible!
It is because of the physical resurrection of Christ that you can have hope. You can have faith. You can have freedom. Your life is altered because of what you’re celebrating today. This is not just a feel-good story. This is the story that rewrites your story. When Christ rose, He proved that He is Lord. His promises are true. His Word can be trusted. His relationship with you is ever-fixed and abounding in steadfast love. And you can walk freely in mission with Him forever.
Lord, I praise You, I worship You, and I thank You. I rejoice that You are alive and in control of all things.
Excerpted from A Savior Is Risen by Susan Hill, copyright Zondervan
This is eternal life…Jesus Christ is risen from the dead. Praise God for His love for His creation, especially that created in His image…you! This is our reason for faith and hope…Jesus Christ is risen from the dead! He is our Lord and Savior! Praise Him. Worship Him! Serve Him! Give Him back the life He gives you!
Pastor Dale