Notes of Faith December 31, 2024
Happy New Year from Kentucky! Visiting family and friends for an after Christmas, Christmas…always fun to stretch out the celebrations and fun. Back in California in a week.
Deep Roots
He shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that brings forth its fruit in its season, whose leaf also shall not wither; and whatever he does shall prosper.
Psalm 1:3
According to researchers at Rutgers University, the tree with the deepest documented roots is the shepherd’s tree native to the Kalahari Desert in Southern Africa. When drilling a water well, workers discovered the tree’s roots went 230 feet deep into the ground. In arid regions, roots go deep in search of water to stay alive.
Whether growing in deserts or by the side of a river, trees use their root systems to bring up water and minerals from the soil that sustain life. The psalmist used an image of a healthy, fruitful tree to picture a man who walks in God’s ways (Psalm 1:3) and meditates on God’s Word (Psalm 1:2). The image of the tree in verse 3 is one of strength, health, stability, and fruitfulness. Transfer those characteristics to a person, and you get a picture of a blessed man or woman (Psalm 1:1).
What is your source of spiritual nutrients with which you nourish your heart, soul, and mind? Sink your roots deep into God’s Word for a blessed life.
Doctrine without duty is a tree without fruits; duty without doctrine is a tree without roots.
Talbot W. Chambers
We need to drink from the well of God’s fountain daily to be nourished and hydrated or we will become weak and feeble spiritually. Being as strong as a tree with deep roots takes time and actively seeking the deep things of God. He is our source of life. His Word is our source for discovering Him and what He wants for us and from us. Read and listen to God speak to you every day. Be blessed in knowing that He hears you when you talk to Him. He patiently waits for the next conversation. Don’t keep Him waiting. Draw close and drink deep from the rich fountain that God provides in disclosing Himself to you!
Pastor Dale