Notes of Faith January 4, 2024
Knowing the Truth
Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.
— 2 Timothy 2:15 KJV
People have all kinds of ideas about truth. Some think that there is no absolute truth. Whatever the view, wisely study and believe what Jesus taught about truth.
He taught not only that there is truth, but that He is the Truth.
Through prayer ask Him to give you the faith to believe and put into practice His absolute truth, and pray the same for others.
Scripture tells us to study to show that we are approved to God — that our beliefs line up with His. We are to know God’s Word, believe it, obey it, and live by it. Great blessing and comfort come in the midst of a conflicted world embroiled in turmoil.
There are those who are offended by absolute truth, but it doesn’t change with the blowing of the wind.
The Spirit of truth... will guide you into all truth. — John 16:13
Jesus made the bold claim,
I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me. — John 14:6
People question whether the Bible is really the Word of God. But the truth is clear: from beginning to end the Bible is God’s Word, inspired by the Holy Spirit who will teach us, and we can know the truth, and the truth will set us free (John 8:32).
Jesus taught not only that there is truth, but that He is the Truth.
Truthful Optimism
If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us.
— 1 John 1:8
Admiral Jim Stockdale served in Vietnam and spent time as a prisoner of war in the infamous “Hanoi Hilton.” He once was asked which men didn’t make it out of the prison. His answer was surprising: “The optimists.” He went on to explain. “You must never confuse faith that you will prevail in the end.”
While optimism can strengthen our resolve to persevere, it can also mislead us when we deny facts. A CNN documentary reported that optimism can take on the tone of arrogance. For instance, when bad weather approaches and the warning goes out to evacuate an area, the optimist might “opt” to stay put instead of getting out of harm’s way. It might work for them, even many times, but then one fateful day the storm hits hard and they suffer greatly.
This happens with those who put God out of their thinking. They are optimistic that since they lead a good life, they will cross the finish line into Heaven. Their optimism leads them astray. They are not willing to acknowledge before God they are sinners and need salvation.
Truth is not always pleasant, but it is always right. Truth is absolute.
The Bible tells us to be on the alert and not be arrogant. The true optimist will heed warnings and be wisely led by the Word of God.
Excerpted from Truth for Each Day by Billy Graham, copyright Billy Graham Literary Trust.
Absolute truth does exist… Absolute truth = God! People can deny that gravity exists, that black is white, that wrong is right…but truth is truth. Those that deny the existence of God do not make the existence of God untrue. If God were not, they could not be, since He created them… truth! God has given us His Word, to know Him, and to know what He expects from the life He has given us. Let us proclaim truth, God is, wants an intimate relationship with those He created in His image, and recognize our need for a Savior for the forgiveness of rebellion and sin that has brought us sickness, lies, deception, and death. Praise God for truth today!
Pastor Dale