Notes of Faith January 11, 2024
Joy Through Sorrow
The LORD blessed the latter part of Job’s life more than the first. — Job 42:12
Job found his legacy through the grief he experienced. He was tried that his godliness might be confirmed and validated. In the same way, my troubles are intended to deepen my character and to clothe me in gifts I had little of prior to my difficulties, for my ripest fruit grows against the roughest wall. I come to a place of glory only through my own humility, tears, and death, just as Job’s afflictions left him with a higher view of God and more humble thoughts of himself. At last he cried,
Now my eyes have seen You. — Job 42:5
If I experience the presence of God in His majesty through my pain and loss, so that I bow before Him and pray, “Your will be done” (Matthew 6:10), then I have gained much indeed.
God gave Job glimpses of his future glory, for in those weary and difficult days and nights, he was allowed to penetrate God’s veil and could honestly say, “I know that my Redeemer lives” (Job 19:25). So truly: “The Lord blessed the latter part of Job’s life more than the first.” (from In the Hour of Silence)
Trouble never comes to someone unless it brings a nugget of gold in its hand.
Trouble never comes to someone unless it brings a nugget of gold in its hand.
Apparent adversity will ultimately become an advantage for those of us doing what is right, if we are willing to keep serving and to wait patiently. Think of the great victorious souls of the past who worked with steadfast faith and who were invincible and courageous!
There are many blessings we will never obtain if we are unwilling to accept and endure suffering.
There are certain joys that can come to us only through sorrow. There are revelations of God’s divine truth that we will receive only when the lights of earth have been extinguished. And there are harvests that will grow only once the plow has done its work.
It is from suffering that the strongest souls ever known have emerged; the world’s greatest display of character is seen in those who exhibit the scars of sorrow; the martyrs of the ages have worn their coronation robes that have glistened with fire, yet through their tears and sorrow have seen the gates of heaven. (~Chapin)
I will know by the gleam and glitter
Of the golden chain you wear,
By your heart’s calm strength in loving,
Of the fire you have had to bear.
Beat on, true heart, forever;
Shine bright, strong golden chain;
And bless the cleansing fire
And the furnace of living pain!
~ Adelaide Proctor
Excerpted from Streams in the Desert by L. B. E. Cowman, copyright Zondervan.
I must admit that I have never asked God to bring suffering or pain into my life that I might be drawn close to Him. Yet, in the struggles of life I have noticed that in the better days I may walk away from that closeness because “I don’t need God.” Of course that is not true, but all too often we feel that we don’t need God because things seem to be going our way. They are going our way BECAUSE of God. Let us work at drawing closer to the giver and sustainer of life eternal, worshipping, loving, obeying, serving, every day that we are given!
Pastor Dale