Notes of Faith September 15, 2023
It’s Just Me and Jesus
In all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us. — Paul the Apostle, Romans 8:37
If you don’t necessarily feel like a conquering warrior today, it’s okay! You know what I discovered?
When we are around people who feel like conquerors, it strengthens our faith because faith is contagious. So grab a comfy seat, and let’s remind ourselves of what we are called to.
Some people are called into politics. Some people are called into the home. Others are called into ministry or medicine. Me? I’m called to bring freedom. Plain and simple, I was made to set the captives free through the transforming Word of God. This isn’t a glorious calling or job that promises a lucrative future. Whether working in an anti–human trafficking organization, ministering in prisons, or preaching the gospel in churches, my calling is clear: bring freedom in Jesus’ name.
But the results sometimes make me question my calling. When no one responds to a gospel message, am I doing what I’m supposed to do? When I pray for someone and their situation remains the same, did I really hear God’s voice lead me on this path? When I preach a studied and passionate word but no one seems to receive it, did I make a mistake choosing this calling?
As children of the Most High King, our identity is clear. But sometimes our callings aren’t. Your mission might feel cloudy. Maybe your life has shifted. Maybe you are finding new passion for your calling.
No matter what confusion or lack of clarity you may be facing, don’t stop forging ahead.
Put one foot in front of the other, and repeat this daily.
There will be opposition. In this life, there will be moments when you want to quit, cower, and call it a day. You aren’t alone. When Paul knew the Romans were dealing with similar issues, he encouraged them in the same way I’m encouraging you. Whether the opposition is physical, spiritual, financial, emotional, or relational,
We are more than conquerors.
But note this:
a conqueror will never win if a conqueror never fights.
We have to be willing to get back up and fight our next fight, to wage war on the lies of the Enemy, and to step into our callings like we are stepping foot into our promised land.
No matter what confusion or lack of clarity you may be facing, don’t stop forging ahead.
More Than Conquerors
Now, if you are familiar with the Bible, you might know Romans is a no-nonsense book in which Paul lays out theology and Christology with such urgency you’d think he was late for a date. It’s deep. It’s profound. It’s applicable. And sometimes it’s hard to understand. But sandwiched in the middle of the letter is a lovely, straightforward section that reminds us of our identity as followers of Jesus.
In Romans 8, Paul told us that there is no condemnation in Christ Jesus (v. 1). We have been set free from the law. Hallelujah! Our minds have peace because of the Spirit of God. We are no longer slaves and serfs, but we are children and coheirs of the Most High God. Our present sufferings are nothing in comparison to the future that awaits us. And we know that all things work together for good for those who love Him (v. 28).
Paul — like a lawyer — laid out an airtight case to make sure we know that there is nothing that can come against us. Look at the progression Paul made in
Romans 8:
In verse 31, we see that opposition cannot separate us from God.
In verse 33, we see that accusations (from someone who comes against us) cannot separate us from God.
In verse 34, we see that condemnation (the belief that God is against us) cannot separate us from God.
In verse 35, we see that no one can cause separation.
Now that we have that context, consider verse 37 again: “In all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us.” This verse really sounds good in an Instagram post, crocheted on a pillow, or painted on a mug. But let’s not miss out on the true power in what Paul was teaching.
Paul was writing to the Roman church, which was not only facing persecution and prosecution but was also oppressed in every way. In chapter 8, Paul reminded them — and us — of the power we possess as the people of God. We will need to be resilient; we will need grit; we will need to cultivate perseverance for this life. But we aren’t doing this in our own strength. The power of the Spirit of God will give us what we need.
Romans 8:37 isn’t a statement of probability or possibility. It’s a statement of reality. How do I know this? Because in my own struggle to push past nerves, negative self-talk, and insecurity, the power of the Spirit of God has allowed me to pour myself out like a drink offering. Even in the midst of my inadequacies and insecurities, the gospel has gone ahead of me. I’ve repeatedly quoted the words of Paul in my mind: I am more than a conqueror. I am more than a conqueror. I am more than a conqueror.
Sometimes when I’m preaching this powerful truth at a conference or in a church, I feel a wave of insecurity wash over me. Out of nowhere, the nerves are back and I’m feeling dizzy. The dewy glow on my face is definitely now just sweat. I’m not preaching for the room — I’m preaching for myself.
The literal translation of Paul’s phrase “more than conquerors” is “to go beyond a concise victory.” The Greek word for this expression is hypernikaō (pronounced hoop-er-nik-AH-o).1 By using the prefix hyper-, Paul was basically saying, “I’m trying to say victory, but victory isn’t big enough, so what I really mean is that the love of God gives us glorious hypervictory.”
There wasn’t one Greek word to describe this power and victorious mindset, so Paul took two words and brought them together to attempt to describe “more than a conqueror.” God’s love and grace has empowered us to be hyperconquerors.
Excerpted from Grit Don’t Quit by Bianca Juárez Olthoff, copyright Bianca Juárez Olthoff.
How did David win a battle with the giant, Goliath? Faith in his skill or faith in the Most High God to deliver not only himself but the people of Israel. Our faith to conquer all of life’s battles is to trust in the Most High God.
Pastor Dale