Notes of Faith August 18, 2023

Notes of Faith August 18, 2023

The Rock, the Road, and the Rabbi: Beginning the Journey

Today's inspiration comes from:

The Rock, the Road, and the Rabbi

by Kathie Lee Gifford & Rabbi Jason Sobel

The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; His mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is Your faithfulness.

— Lamentations 3:22-23 ESV

Before I (Kathie Lee) began my new job as co-host of the fourth hour of The Today Show in 2008, I felt the Lord tugging at my spirit with the words of Matthew 6:33: Kathie, seek first My kingdom and My righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.

I remember responding, “Lord, You know that’s what I am trying to do — put You and Your kingdom first in my life.”

Then I felt Him gently rebuke me: You’re not listening. I said to seek Me first!

“Lord,” I questioned, “do You mean first thing in the morning before anything else?” In my heart, I sensed His clear answer: Yes.

Wow. I already got up earlier than most — usually right before dawn. “Really, Lord?” I said. “Before I go into work?”

Yes. I felt Him tenderly remind me, As you begin your day, so goes your day.

So I began to wake up before 4:00 am and pray for an hour for my family members, friends, colleagues, world situations, and personal concerns. Then I would open the Bible and study God’s Word for an hour more, with my puppies and the birds outside my window as my only company.

Seek Me first!

This new discipline soon became the best part — and my favorite part — of the day. Changing my morning routine has changed my life. I began not only to study the Word but also to memorize as much as I could so that Scripture would become a living, breathing part of me. No textbook needed, no study guide necessary — just the pure, life-giving, sustaining Word of God settled deep in my soul.

One of my favorite verses is Psalm 18:30:

As for God, His way is perfect: The Lord’s word is flawless.

Friends, this is either a fact or a lie. There is no middle ground. This is why I have grown so passionate about learning what the Bible really says. If I am going to base my life on something, it has to be the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help me, God! But how can we live the truth if we don’t even know it?

The word truth occurs in the Bible over 200 times. God places immeasurable value in it, and He longs for each of us to seek it, find it, and apply it to our lives. All too often we are so overwhelmed by technology, our personal dramas, and our endless ambition that we neglect to study God’s Word. Imagine how it breaks the heart of our heavenly Father, who loves us, when He sees us putting our energy into everything but the one thing that can bring us life.

You have the exciting opportunity to discover the truth of the Bible and learn what many passages in the Bible really mean. You can experience the Rock (Jesus), the Road (the Holy Land), and the Rabbi (the Word of God) in a way you might not have done before. So come deeper as we explore the land of Israel and mine the treasures of God’s Word!

Adapted from The Rock, the Road, and the Rabbi, copyright Kathie Lee Gifford.

I will never stop encouraging and challenging people to read/listen/study the Word of God. It is a living book, able to reach the height and depth of all that we are, think, and do. It is the only book that leads to a transformed life…being obedient to the truth within it will make us more like Jesus. If you seek truth, an abundant life, peace, and hope for the future, READ YOUR BIBLE! God will speak to you, draw you to Himself, make you His child, and give you understanding of the things of God. That perspective will bless you now and for all eternity as God opens up the floodgates of blessing for those that love Him. Do you encounter God in your Bible? Spend more time in it for the joy of intimacy with God! More, more, more!

Pastor Dale