Notes of Faith June 3, 2023

Notes of Faith June 3, 2023

Prayers for Dads

I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God to salvation for everyone who believes. – Romans 1:16

Lord, by Your name alone are people saved.

Your unfailing love built the bridge from You to us. Your love conquers all. Help me be bold with my faith and unashamed that I follow You so I will speak freely about You. Help me walk in courage and faith every day because my strength and dependence flow from the Holy Spirit. Provide opportunities for me to share Your love with my friends and coworkers, and give me the heart to stand strong for You. Teach me how to be an example for my children.

Bless my family, Lord, so they will know You and will want to tell others about You. Give them an excitement and a deep joy in serving You. Fill our home with Your strength and courage.

Thank You for strengthening our hearts and our resolve to follow You without apprehension or wavering.

In Your Son’s name, amen.


And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose. – Romans 8:28

Dear God, You are great and mighty. You planned and purposed every moment of every life on earth. You know all and control all. You are Lord of all!

Remind me today that when unexpected, troublesome, or even painful things enter my life, You have allowed them for my benefit — to strengthen me. Help me to appreciate the difficulties and challenges and to have the proper attitude toward them.

As my children learn more about You and Your ways, help them realize You want only good for them. Teach them to pray and walk with You through the good times and bad. Reinforce their faith today.

Thank You for weaving the events and circumstances in our lives to fit in your amazing plan. I am grateful that Your plan includes my family.

In Christ’s name, amen.


As for me and my house, we will serve the LORD. – Joshua 24:15

Lord, You are all-knowing and all-powerful. Heaven is your throne, and the earth is Your footstool. I wonder sometimes if I’m teaching my family about You like I should. Guide me to be a godly man so I can be the kind of father and husband You want me to be. Break down any barriers that keep me from being that man.

Show my children and my family that Your ways are best. Create in them the desire to follow You so they will love You with all their hearts, all their minds, and all their souls.

I am so grateful I can come to You on behalf of my family. Thank You for carefully watching over them and leading them to You.

In Your holy name, amen.

Excerpted from Pocket Prayers for Dads by Max Lucado, copyright Max Lucado.

Early Father’s day note to emphasize how important fathers are in our lives. Of course the most important is our heavenly Father, who we seek to know, love, and imitate because He loved us first!

Pastor Dale