Notes of Faith March 14, 2023

Notes of Faith March 14, 2023

For the Body

This is what the Sovereign Lord says: Look! I am going to put breath into you and make you live again! — Ezekiel 37:5


To breathe is brave.

Never underestimate the power of an exhale.

There will be some nights

where you will look up and lose track of all the stars you see,

and there will be some nights

you can’t lift your head,

but in both

of those nights

and every other

night in between,

you are strongest

when you take

the time to breathe.

It takes courage

to live through heartbreak. Breathing is no small feat.

When you find yourself falling into the pit of anxiety, remember the ladder of hope that reminds you there is no reason to be afraid. There is still a way out of this, and you are still capable — not perfect, but capable — and you have permission to try to climb again. Even if your hands shake, and your knees are weaker from the fall, you can still trade your fears of tomorrow with hope for today: the courageous decision to climb on anyway out of the pit of anxious thoughts.

There is no reason to live afraid.


To breathe is brave.

There will be times when the last thing you want to do

is hear

that you have

to keep going.

The last thing

you will want to do is feel

you have to keep pushing.

Let the breaths leaving your body second by second remind you

how seconds soon turn into minutes, and these minutes soon turn into hours and hours

then turn into days

and even though you once thought

you were stagnant,

you have made it

a miraculously long way through the darkness.

Excerpted from All Along You Were Blooming by Morgan Harper Nichols, copyright Morgan Harper Nichols.

Phil 3:14

14 I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus


One day at a time!

Pastor Dale