Notes of Faith February 1, 2023

Notes of Faith February 1, 2023

Prayers for Fear and Anxiety

Fear and anxiety are at an all-time high the world over. We pray that you find these prayers comforting, exhorting, and hopeful!

Son of God, who subdued the troubled waters and laid to rest the fears of men,

let Your majesty master us and

Your power of calm control us.

Replace our fears with faith

and our unrest with perfect trust in You,

who lives and governs all things, world without end.

~ John Wallace Suter (1859–1942), Adapted

Set free, O Lord, the souls of Your servants

from all restlessness and anxiety.

Give us that peace and power which flow from You. Keep us in all perplexity and distress,

that upheld by Your strength

and stayed on the rock of Your faithfulness,

we may abide in You now and forevermore.

~ Francis Paget (1851–1911)

To You alone, O Jesus, I must cling; running to Your arms, dear Lord,

there let me hide, safe from all fears, loving You with the tenderness of a child.

~ St. Thérèse of Lisieux (1873–1897)

You say that if I give You my burdens,

You will take care of me.

You say that I should cast all my cares upon You,

because You love me,

because You can handle them all, and because it shows my faith in You.

A burden that is heavy enough to sink me is as light as a feather to You.

A fear that can paralyze me

has no power over You.

So I unload it all before You

and hand it over for You to manage.

I put my trust in You — not in my perspective or resources. You can do anything, God!

I will not be afraid, because You are my King and Father. You are with me, and You are for me.

You accept me as I need You and rely on You,

and You walk with me now and always.

You will strengthen me for whatever comes.

~ C. M.

Lord, my emotions could propel me downward or pull a curtain around me, blocking Your light. But instead, I look to You and pray:

Train my mind on Your truth.

Shape my thoughts with Your Spirit.

Fill my heart with Your peace.

Guide me and give me self-control to do what is wise. I trust that what You say is more real than what I feel.

~ C. M.

Make my body healthy and agile,

my mind sharp and clear,

my heart joyful and contented,

my soul faithful and loving. . . .

Above all let me live in Your presence, for with You all fear is banished

and there is only harmony and peace.

Let every day combine the beauty of spring, the brightness of summer,

the abundance of autumn,

and the repose of winter.

And at the end of my life on earth,

grant that I may come to see and know You in the fullness of Your glory.

~ St. Thomas Aquinas (1225–1274)

You will take care of me.

Everything I could be worrying about right now, I’m praying about instead.

My concerns could take over my mind all day and seize my heart with despair.

But instead I’m taking those thoughts captive

and turning to You.

I want to make my mind obedient to You, the Truth.

I tell You what I need and hope for,

then let the matters rest in Your hands.

I rejoice that I belong to You, and You are a good Father. You’ve provided before, and You will again.

I realize my situation is an exercise in faith-training,

an opportunity to trust You and give You glory.

Now, Holy Spirit, the Great Helper,

give me self-control throughout this day

and help me fix my thoughts where You want them. May I find the good all around me.

May I fill my mind with what’s right and pure—

“the best, not the worst; the beautiful, not the ugly; things to praise, not things to curse.”

May I dwell on—and give power to—what is true.

May I find even simple things to delight in.

Help me choose joy; choose hope; choose peace.

~ C. M., quoted materials from Philippians 4:8 The Message

Most loving Father,

who has taught us to dread nothing but the loss of You, preserve me from faithless fears and worldly anxieties.

~ William Bright (1824–1901)

O my Lord and Savior,

in Your arms I am safe.

Keep me and I have nothing to fear. . . .

I know nothing about the future,

but I rely upon You.

I pray that You would give me what is good for me. . . .

If You bring pain or sorrow on me,

give me grace to bear it well—

keep me from fretfulness and selfishness.

If You give me health and strength and success in this world, keep me always on my guard

lest these great gifts carry me away from You.

O Christ, You died on the Cross for me,

even for me, sinner as I am.

Help me to know You,

to believe in You,

to love You,

to serve You,

to always aim at bringing You glory,

to live to and for You.

~ St, John Henry Newman (1801–1890)

Excerpted from A Prayer for Every Occasion by Carrie Mars, copyright Zondervan.

1 John 4:18

18 There is no fear in love; but perfect love casts out fear, because fear involves punishment, and the one who fears is not perfected in love.


Trusting God and His perfect love for us should cast away all the fear that we could experience in this world. God’s provision for those who believe and follow Jesus is eternal and the fears presented to us by this world are temporal.

Let us trust in the Lord!

Pastor Dale