Notes of Faith December 26, 2023

Notes of Faith December 26, 2023

Time to Rest

O God, restore us and cause Your face to shine upon us, and we will be saved.

— Psalm 80:3

Elijah was bone tired — body, mind, and soul. Fresh from clashing with the 850 false prophets on Mount Carmel, the prophet found himself on the run from the evil queen Jezebel, who was determined to have him killed. He fled ninety miles on foot to Beersheba. Finally, he was so completely drained that he despaired of life, sat down under a juniper tree, and said, “It is enough” (1 Kings 19:4).

Perhaps you understand Elijah. Maybe now that Christmas has come and gone with all its activities, visitors, gifts, cleaning, and complications, you find yourself completely exhausted and ready to declare, “Enough!” just as he did.

Few conditions deplete our faith and joy more rapidly and completely than weariness.

Thankfully, the Lord understands our limits and restores our souls.

Sometimes we need to follow Elijah’s example, taking a step back from the situation and letting the Lord refresh us. We may need a physical break like a day away from work or from our burdens. But stopping from all our activities and taking time to simply be with the Lord can help clear our minds, give us perspective on our circumstances, and provide the energy to keep going in the days ahead. So sit down, rest, and be strengthened in the Lord.

Jesus, thank You for being my rest and restoration. Amen.

God is more than willing to uphold and sustain you.

In God’s Strength

Those who wait for the Lord will gain new strength... they will run and not get tired, they will walk and not become weary. — Isaiah 40:31

I remember meeting the late missionary Bertha Smith at the airport when she was a spry seventy-two-year-old. I’d gone to pick her up for a speaking engagement at our church, and I was amazed at how lively she was. At that time, she had the next five years of her life booked with meetings around the world.

At the end of the first long day at our mission conference, Ms. Smith was still going strong, so I asked her, “Don’t you ever get worn out?” She replied,

“I’m not operating in my strength. I am going in God’s.”

That was it. No fluffy theology — just straight-forward faith. She said, “Here’s what I do: I tell God what I have to do each day, and I let Him know I cannot accomplish it in my strength. Remember that Jesus said, ‘You can do nothing apart from Me.’ So I claim His power for each task, thank Him for it, and move on.”

That may seem simple, but it works. In your weariness, weakness, tiredness, or frailty, God is more than willing to uphold and sustain you. He will fortify you with power from on high. So wait on His strength and count on Him.

Jesus, I will wait on You. Strengthen me, Lord. Amen.

Excerpted from Trusting God with Today by Charles Stanley, copyright Charles F. Stanley.

Isa 40:31

31 those who wait for the Lord

Will gain new strength;

They will soar on wings like eagles,

They will run and not get tired,

They will walk and not become weary

God would have to be giving me His strength to soar like an eagle because I am afraid of heights! Soaring in every day life is also a difficult task if you are afraid to take risk. We need to take risk to stand for the name and good news of Jesus. Let us spend our lives in the strength God gives every day to live for Him, proclaiming truth to the world that they might believe and receive eternal life… and soar with us!

Pastor Dale