Notes of Faith December 18, 2023

Notes of Faith December 18, 2023

The Greatness of Servants

Whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant… For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life as a ransom for many. — Mark 10:43

A baby was born in Bethlehem so that He could grow up and give His life away.

Jesus came to us to pour Himself out in love and service.

So it’s no wonder that when He found His disciples striving for a position of honor in God’s Kingdom He told them, “Whoever wants to become great will serve others.”

The way Jesus talked about God’s Kingdom kept surprising the disciples — and it’s still pretty shocking even today. How often do we give our highest respects to people in humble, service-oriented positions?

Jesus turns the world upside down: those who are considered lowest in the ranks are actually on top.

When you choose to serve others, know that Jesus honors your choice. He’d say you’re pursuing true greatness.

John Bunyan wrote, “You have not lived today until you have done something for someone who can never repay you.”

Can you see a need to meet? Go make a difference. Can you find a way to lift someone up? Go do it. Be generous with your time and effort. Live like Jesus did, giving yourself to love and service.

I praise You, Jesus, for being the greatest servant of all.


God chose to send the Savior in a way that involved the cooperation of a human.

Be Actively Available to God

“I am the Lord’s servant,” Mary answered. “May your word to me be fulfilled.” — Luke 1:38

An angel appeared to Mary and told her astonishing news: Mary would have a baby who’d be the Son of God. In that moment, Mary had a choice. She could have pushed back, saying, “No, that doesn’t seem likely. I don’t believe you.”

But instead, she said, “I am the Lord’s servant. May your word to me be fulfilled.” She said yes to God.

No matter how many times I think about this, I’m always stunned that God chose to send the Savior in a way that involved the cooperation of a human.

Today He wants us, even with our weaknesses, to be participants in His work too. And in order for that to happen, we have to make ourselves available to Him. Mary did this in a profound way.

— she gave her body, heart, time, and future to her new role as a mother.

How can you follow Mary’s lead and be more available to God? Maybe you need to be open to making a change. Maybe it’s simply a matter of pausing and praying more often before reacting, or showing more of God’s patience to your family.

Instead of focusing on what’s stressing you today, think about how you can be used by God in every situation you’re in.

I am Your servant, God. Use me any way You choose.

Excerpted from Calm Your Anxious Mind by Carrie Marrs, copyright Zondervan.

In those every day situations that God wants to use people for His work and glory, He says, “Whom shall I send?” We must respond, “Here am I, send me!” Let us give thanks for the indescribable gift of God in Jesus Christ and prepare our hearts to give back in service to our Lord. How might you be used today?

Pastor Dale