Notes of Faith November 24, 2023

Notes of Faith November 24, 2023

Perfect time to share a personal note… I have been deer hunting the last few days and supposed to be today…maybe a little later… that is why I am having to catch up with my Notes to you. Have seen many a deer, but none where we have the right to hunt and shoot. God’s will be done. Having fun with my family1 What a blessing from God!

Let Me fill you with My Love, Joy, and Peace

Delightful Lord,

I love listening to the song that You continually sing to me: “I take great delight in you; I renew you by My Love; I shout for Joy over you.” The voices of this world are a cacophony of chaos, pulling me this way and that — especially in the weeks leading up to Christmas. Help me not to listen to those voices but to challenge them with Your Word. Show me how to take breaks from the noise of the world — finding a place to be still in Your Presence so I can hear Your voice.

I believe there is immense hidden treasure to be found through listening to You. You are always pouring out blessings upon me, but some of Your richest blessings have to be actively sought.

I rejoice when You reveal Yourself to me — through Your Word, Your people, and the wonders of creation.

Having a seeking heart opens me up to receive more of You. The Bible gives me clear instructions: Keep on asking and it will be given to you; keep on seeking and you will find; keep on knocking and the door will be opened to you.

In Your generous Name, Jesus, amen.

Let Me fill you with My Love, Joy, and Peace. These are Glory-gifts, flowing from My living Presence.

The Lord your God is in your midst; He is a warrior who can deliver. He takes great delight in you; He renews you by His love; He shouts for joy over you. — Zephaniah 3:17 NET

While [Peter] was still speaking, a bright cloud overshadowed them, and behold, a voice out of the cloud said, “This is My beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased; listen to Him!” — Matthew 17:5 NASB

Ask and keep on asking and it will be given to you; seek and keep on seeking and you will find; knock and keep on knocking and the door will be opened to you. — Matthew 7:7 AMP

‘You are my God.’ My times are in Your hands.

Restful Lord Jesus,

I come to You seeking to find rest in Your Presence. As I relax with You, Lord, I can enjoy Your Peace during this exciting, hectic season. How precious it is, Lord, to realize that You are thinking about me constantly! I long to be increasingly mindful of You. You’ve been teaching me that awareness of Your Presence can give me rest even when I’m very busy. An inner peacefulness flows out of remembering that You are with me always. This remembrance permeates my heart, mind, and spirit — filling me with Joy.

I confess that sometimes I get so focused on the problems I see and the predictions I hear that my joy gets buried under layers of worry and fear. When this happens, I need to bring my concerns to You — talking with You about each one, seeking Your help and guidance, asking You to remove those worry-layers. As I entrust My concerns into Your care and keeping, Joy begins to emerge again. I’ve learned that the most effective way for me to nurture this gladness is speaking and singing praises to You — the King of Glory!

In Your praiseworthy Name, amen.

I, your Lord and Savior, am alive within you. Learn to tune in to My living Presence by seeking Me in silence.

Excerpted from Jesus Listens for Advent by Sarah Young, copyright Sarah Young.

No matter our circumstances we can rest in the perfect joy and peace of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Are you, like me, and sometimes get wrapped up in the moment that you forget that God is always with you, through anything and everything? Learning to live in the presence of God takes practice…kind of like learning patience but takes even more spiritual discipline. If you have never tried living in His presence, always knowing and feeling His heart and desire for you… start today. If you have… keep it up. I’m praying for you to continue to grow in His grace, mercy, strength and power.

Pastor Dale