Notes of Faith August 30, 2022

Notes of Faith August 30, 2022

Don't Doubt the Devil

The God of peace will crush Satan under your feet shortly. — Romans 16:20

Who is responsible for the infamy, terror, and agony that we see all around us? How can we account for the sufferings that we all experience if evil is not a potent force? Education has, in truth, impeded our minds. Because of allegedly scientific findings, some have lost their belief in the supernatural powers of Satan, while others worship him.

George Galloway summed up this dubious contribution of current education when he said, “The theory that there is in the universe a power or principle, personal or otherwise, in eternal opposition to God is generally discarded by the modern mind.”

The modern mind may discard it, but that doesn’t cause the evil principle itself to disappear! Once asked how he overcame the devil, Martin Luther replied, “Well, when he comes knocking upon the door of my heart and asks, ‘Who lives here?’ the dear Lord Jesus goes to the door and says, ‘Martin Luther used to live here but he has moved out. Now I live here.’ The Devil, seeing the nail-prints in His hands, and the pierced side, takes flight immediately.”

What can you do when you are confronted with evil?

Resist and Pray

Resist him, steadfast in the faith, knowing that the same sufferings are experienced by your brotherhood in the world. — 1 Peter 5:9

A poet once said, “The devil trembles when he sees the weakest saint upon his knees.”

We can depend upon the blood of Christ when we are under attack. There are times when we simply must hide behind the person of Christ and ask Him to handle our problems. Jude says, “Yet Michael the archangel, when contending with the devil he disputed about the body of Moses, durst not bring against him a railing accusation, but said, The Lord rebuke thee” (v. 9 KJV). That’s what we need to do — call upon God.

Now, the Bible says that we are to “resist the devil, and he will flee” from us (James 4:7 KJV). But before that, God says, “Submit yourselves… to God.” If you have fully submitted, 100 percent yielded and surrendered yourself to Christ, then you can “resist the devil,” and the Bible promises he will flee from you.

The devil will tremble when you pray. He will be defeated when you quote or read a passage of Scripture to him and will leave you when you resist him.

Does the devil flee from you when you pray in Jesus’ name?

Excerpted from Peace for Each Day by Billy Graham, copyright Billy Graham Literary Trust.

Wherever you are, enter into a place of peace and safety . . . and


Shut de do, keep out de devil

Shut de do, keep de devil in the night.

Shut de do, keep out de devil

Light de candle, everything is alright

Light de candle, everything is alright

Oh when I was a baby child (Shut de do, keep out de devil)

Good and bad were just a game (Shut de do, keep de devil in the night)

Many years and many trials (Shut de do, keep out de devil)

They proved to me they're not the same (Shut de do, keep de devil in the night)

You better listen to me...

Repeat Chorus

Oh, Satan is an evil charmer (Shut de do, keep out de devil)

He's hungry for a soul to hurt (Shut de do, keep de devil in the night)

And without your holy armor (Shut de do, keep out de devil)

He will eat you for dessert (Shut de do, keep de devil in the night)

Repeat Chorus

Well heh, hey, hey, hey, shut de do

Hey, hey, hey, shut de do

Hey, hey, you better shut de do

Say a prayer, he won't be here back no more.

My mama used to sing this song (Shut de do, keep out de devil)

Papa used to sing it too (Shut de do, keep de devil in the night)

Jesus came and called them home (Shut de do, keep out de devil)

So I sing this song for you (Shut de do, keep de devil in the night)

Repeat Chorus

Everybody say... Light de candle, everything is alright

One more time, I said... Light de candle, everything is alright

Songwriters: Randy Stonehill.

Scriptural Reference:

"'In your anger do not sin:' Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry, and do not give the devil a foothold." Ephesians 4: 26-27

"Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you." James 4: 7

Pastor Dale