Notes of Faith July 3, 2022

God's Love Heals

To you who fear My name the Sun of Righteousness shall arise with healing in His wings. — Malachi 4:2

It makes total sense that the God who created us can also heal us physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.

Our Creator God is our Great Physician as well.

We should thank God for His restorative power and never hesitate to ask Him for His healing touch whenever we are hurting. Whatever the source and whatever the site of our pain, whether we are physically ill, brokenhearted by a relationship, or overwhelmed by the demands of life, we can experience the Lord as our great Comforter. He knows our every tear (Psalm 56:8).

Our God is Jehovah, the great and mighty Healer. His love for us is everlasting, and when we cry out to Him in fear or distress, He comes to us “with healing in His wings.”

Lord, You are Comforter, Physician, Redeemer — I rest in the healing of Your unconditional love.

Heal me, O Lord, and I shall be healed; save me, and I shall be saved, for You are my praise. — Jeremiah 17:14

It can be argued that the best place to begin any battle is on your knees — whether it’s a battle for your health, your family, your home, or your soul. When you draw near to God in prayer, you will find healing for your spirit, body, and life. Listen, meditate, and wait for His direction and guidance.

God wants the best for you, and the best is to walk closely with Him, trusting Him in every situation and relationship. James 4:7 says,

Submit to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you.

God is asking you to take the first step. The Great Physician stands waiting with open arms to make you whole. Do not hesitate. Run to Him for everything you need today.

Father God, You are the Great Physician. Heal me. Make me whole and wholly Yours.

Excerpted from God’s Promises Every Day by God’s Promises Every Day, copyright Jack Countryman

Ultimately, believers in Jesus will be perfectly and completely healed as originally created, without sin and designed for eternal life. This we already have received through faith, by His grace and should live this life knowing what we have been given. Knowing God is not a one moment, come to faith experience. It is a walk of life that is eternal. We will continue to grow in the grace and knowledge of Jesus Christ forever.

Pastor Dale