Notes of Faith April 28, 2022 Prophecy Update

Notes of Faith April 28, 2022 Prophecy Update


Watching Israel as we wait for the return of the Lord Jesus Christ!


“It will come about in that day that I will make Jerusalem a heavy stone for all the peoples; all who lift it will be severely injured. And all the nations of the earth will be gathered against it.” Zech. 12:3


Since 1948 when Israel miraculously became a nation again after some 1900+ years of being scattered around the earth, the United States has been her only true ally.


We came to her aid in her War of Independence in 1948, the Six Day War in 1967 and the Yom Kippur War of 1973. Each time God allowed her to overcome almost impossible odds.


Most Israelis admit that if it weren’t for the military support of the United States, Israel would not be a nation today. And Israel is openly and profoundly grateful for our help.


No doubt God orchestrated the USA to reach her “leader of the free world” status in 1945, just in time to have Israel’s back when she was a burgeoning and vulnerable nation.


By 2008, our support was still present, but waning, when Obama came to power. His administration fully supported Iran over Israel, giving Iran a legal track to slowly develop nuclear weapons.


President Trump put a screeching halt to that nonsense for four years but now those who are in control have again turned the administration's support from 100% Israel to 100% Iran.


Today Israel knows she has no true ally in the world, other than the body of knowledgeable evangelical Christians.


Having organized one of the world’s best intelligence gathering networks, Israel knows more about what’s going on in the Biden Administration than most working inside the Biden Administration.


Israel Going Out On a Limb

Israel's isolation and the hatred toward her is about to quickly become worse. While we were in Israel recently, calls to rebuild the third Jewish Temple began being openly discussed in major publications like the Jerusalem Post.


Calls to go back to making blood sacrifices will further distance her from every other nation. Most in the USA have been "Bambized" by Disney and will be totally disgusted when they hear this.


Since 1948, there have been fringe groups, like the Temple Mount Faithful, who have pushed for rebuilding the Jewish Temple. They have faithfully and ceremoniously carried a cornerstone to be laid to begin construction of the Temple once a year, knowing they would be refused.


But now it’s in the mainstream Jewish Media. Consider these recent headlines in Israel:


And here’s another:


The Israel Today article includes this paragraph:


“Responsible Jewish, Christian and Muslim leaders should use this recent wave of Islamic violence to immediately begin discussing practical and peaceful steps for the rebuilding of the Temple on the Temple Mount. It could be done without damaging or disrespecting the Dome of the Rock or Al Aqsa, as part of a future peace plan between Israel and her Arab neighbors to end the plague of Islamic terror once and for all.”


Wow. Wow. And oh WOW! This is another one of those things I never thought I would see in print pre-Rapture! Israel is openly discussing in their major newspapers peace in conjunction with rebuilding their Temple and going back to sacrifices. Things seem to be quickly coming together for our soon loud and exhilarating exit.


We know the Jewish Temple will be rebuilt and sacrifices re-instituted right after the 70th Week of Daniel begins – the Tribulation – because the Antichrist will put a stop to the sacrifices half-way into the 7-year peace period.


“And he will make a firm covenant [peace treaty] with the many for one week [week of years = 7 years], but in the middle of the week [3 1/2 years later] he [the Antichrist] will put a stop to sacrifice and grain offering;” Dan. 9:27


You can't stop something that hasn't started!


However, they will NOT start building their Temple until the Two Witnesses(1) show up to measure out where to build.


Then there was given me [John] a measuring rod like a staff; and someone said, “Get up and measure the temple of God and the altar, and those who worship in it. Leave out the court which is outside the temple and do not measure it, for it has been given to the nations; and they will tread under foot the holy city for forty-two months. Rev. 11:1-2


The above verse is quite interesting because it’s something that occurs post-Rapture—the 2 Witnesses, Elijah and John(1), only show up after the Rapture…after the 7-Year Peace Treaty is signed.


As you can see above, there is plenty of room to build the Jewish Temple on the Temple Mount, even leaving the Dome of the Rock intact and adding a church in one of two places. All three major religions of the world in one place.


Israel building their Temple will most likely be included in the post-Rapture 7-year peace treaty signed by Israel and 10 nations (the ten toes of the beast in Daniel 2).


With a victory over the Russian/Iran invasion (Ezek 38/39) Israel will be in a strength position and can get anything they want.


Back in 1967 when Israel captured the Temple Mount in the Six Day War, Moshe Dayan, Israel’s wartime military General, gave use of the Temple Mount back to the Muslims in an attempt to avoid another war.


The Muslims were given permission to operate their facilities on the Temple Mount area but Israeli soldiers had full control of the area. Muslims have their Friday services there but the Israel Defense Force controls the entire area.


So when Israel begins calling for sacrifices on the Temple Mount, two major prophecies are being fulfilled – her return to sacrifices and becoming a burden to the world.


What an amazing thing to watch. What an amazing time to be alive.


CQLJ! (Come Quickly Lord Jesus)









An up-close and personal perspective from our recent trip

It's confusing for many what Israel can and cannot do on the Temple Mount (the red rectangle area above). The bottom line is that God gave it to Israel for their First Temple. But they lost it to Babylon and got it back 70 years later.


They lost it again in 70 AD. In 1948 it was given to them by the United Nations. Jordan immediately captured it and illegally occupied it until 1967 when Israel got it back in the Six Day War.


So it belongs to Israel today and they can do as they please—their choice. Muslims are PERMITTED to use it by Israel's grace. But Israel maintains its soldiers up there.


For example, this past week when Muslims threw bricks down on the Jews worshiping at the Wailing Wall on Passover and then hid in the Al Aqsa Mosque on the Temple Mount, the IDF stormed into the Mosque and arrested those who had been throwing bricks.


When our group was on the Temple Mount last week, just before that well-publicized incident, there were more than the usual number of Israeli soldiers patrolling and they were on high alert. They apparently were expecting that something might happen.


After our Easter services at the Empty Tomb last week (pinch me!) we made one last walk through the Old City and saw numerous groups of 8-10 IDF soldiers in full riot gear throughout the Old City. Israel wasn't giving the Muslims a chance to start anything.


Israel Has Been Preparing To Rebuild The Temple For A Long Time

One of the most interesting sites we visit in Jerusalem is the Temple Institute where they are actively assembling all the necessary Temple implements that go inside, quite a large undertaking.


They want to have everything ready once they can rebuild. They've even found the blue dye for the trim on the High Priest's robe. They still need the ashes of the red heifer though.


It seems that just like the Holy Spirit is loosening His Restrainer grip on the world before full and total departure(1), God apparently is beginning to wake up Israel to the reality of her spiritual heritage in a big way.


And as she moves more toward God, the world will hate her more and all nations will be against Israel.