Notes of Faith April 21, 2022

What is the value of your soul to God?... God doesn’t forget even the small sparrow He has made. How then could He forget or abandon you?... So you never need to worry, for you are more valuable to God than anything else in the world.

—Luke 12:7 TPT find (something or someone) unexpectedly or in the course of a search.


True...real or actual.


Worth... deserving to be treated or regarded in the way specified.


The opposite of discover is ignore, neglect, overlooked.


The opposite of true is incorrect.


The opposite of worth his worthlessness, insignificance, uselessness.


Wow! That speaks volumes to me. God’s Word has so much to say about our true worth, meaning our worth as God sees us according to His Word. But, John 8:32 says it’s only the truth that we know that can set us free. And, in that freedom, it allows us to really find our true worth.


I’m always reading the Bible. I’ve always loved reading it. But, one day I felt a strong impression to stop reading and pause for a minute and just listen.


So I did and I got the sweetest impression to “read the Bible from the inside out.” I really thought that sounded strange, but I felt the Lord impressing me to “receive” His word from the inside out and allow that word to stir up my “most holy faith.”


I felt impressed to absorb and experience God’s Word from “His” perspective and not just my interpretation of it. Usually when I read, it’s like taking information on pages from the outside and processing it on the inside. But this was completely different. I felt like I was to see the word from His perspective inside out.


Psalm 139:13-14 says,

You created my inmost being;... I praise You because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Your works are wonderful...


Suddenly, I began to think about myself, my situation, and my life in general from the inside out, from the way God created me to be, to think, to live. In spite of anything that has happened to me, my fault, someone else’s fault, or only Heaven knows how it happened, I began to “feel” and “think” of the scripture I was reading from the perspective of, “Why did God write this in this manner?” Then, it was like a lightbulb went off. It was because His ways are higher than our ways and His thoughts are higher than our thoughts (Isaiah 55:8).


His plans might not exactly be my plans or the plans others have for me, good or bad, but they are to give us hope. Jeremiah 29:11–13 NIV says,


For I know the plans I have for you... plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope in the future.


Wow! That may not be someone else’s plan for you and perhaps not the plans you thought off or yourself. But it’s God‘s plan for you. And who can top or even stop God‘s plan? Then it goes on to say you will seek Me and find Me when you seek Me with all your heart (Jeremiah 29:13). That’s discovery! And when we discover God, I believe that’s when we discover our true self... our true worth.


People’s opinion of your worth may change. Your opinion of your worth may change. But when God said I am the Lord I change not, He doesn’t change. His Words doesn’t change. And as I read the Bible, His opinion of us doesn’t change from being His beloved creation, fearfully and wonderfully made. God loves us with a love so precious, so dear, so unexplainable that He calls it unconditional. It’s always there and never fails.


To me, God’s opinion is the most valuable opinion for us to discover our true worth. If He created us, He knows our worth better than anyone ever can or ever will.


So, I encourage you to discover your true worth and become the woman God created you to be. If you have ever feared, fallen, failed, hurt, missed the mark, or experienced anything that doesn’t seem to set you up for great success, consider giving all of that to God and ask Him to set you up for His success, the success He planned for you from the beginning of time. Allow God to teach you how to discover your true worth in Him... from the inside out.


I pray right here, right now for you to know that you are God’s precious creation... valuable to those around you, valuable to yourself, valuable to this world, and most of all valuable to God.


Note: All definitions are from Oxford Languages Dictionary. All antonyms are from


Written for Devotionals Daily by Lindsay Roberts, author of Discover Your True Worth.


 How do you feel about yourself? Has your self-esteem taken a nosedive over the years? Are you hardest on yourself and maybe give grace to others but not yourself? When we dig into the Word of God, we discover our true worth because to Him, we are precious!


Pastor Dale