Notes of Faith December 17, 2022

Notes of Faith December 17, 2022

Oh Come, Let Us Adore Him

Topic: Christmas

Scripture: Matthew 2:11

They saw the child with His mother Mary, and they bowed down and worshiped Him. —Matthew 2:11

If you saw your very best friend in the school hallway, would you walk right by without saying a word — even if you were in a hurry to get somewhere? Chances are, you wouldn’t. You’d stop for just a moment and say hi or at least smile and wave as you went past. Somehow you’d make a connection. If you had a little more time, you’d hang out with your friend for a while, and the two of you would enjoy just being together. That’s important for a relationship between friends.

It’s also important for your relationship with Jesus. He knows that you have a lot going on, and He understands that you can’t always spend a lot of time with Him. But He wants to make a connection with you each day — not just on Sundays and holidays such as Christmas but all year long!

Today’s devotion is based on Matthew 2:11, which says, “They saw the child with His mother Mary, and they bowed down and worshiped Him.” The devotion is called “Oh Come, Let Us Adore Him.”

“Steven, you’re here!” said Mrs. Anderson. “Hurry and get dressed.” On Christmas Eve Mrs. Anderson was directing the live nativity scene at the Christian school Steven attended.

“Sorry I’m late,” Steven said, rushing to put on his shepherd’s robe. “I had to run errands with my mom before she dropped me off.” He grabbed his staff, ran outside, and took his place next to the stable. Joseph, Mary, and the angels were already in position. So were the animals. People started arriving to see the display. Steven tried to look worshipful, but he was flustered. Besides, he was cold, and the sheep kept biting his robe. Steven sighed. He’d thought this would be fun. And meaningful, like being at the first Christmas. After all, he really did love Jesus.

The angels began to sing. Staring at the manger, Steven started thinking about everything Jesus meant to him. Soon he truly was worshiping his Lord and Savior.

Everyone’s busy nowadays — even kids! Take a moment every day to worship Jesus, no matter how busy you are. He is God’s Son, who came to save the world. He deserves to be praised. You can celebrate Jesus’ birth all year long by coming to Him daily and giving Him your love.

Come, let us bow down in worship.

Words to Treasure

Come, let us bow down in worship, let us kneel before the Lord. — Psalm 95:6

1. What are some reasons why people fail to connect with and worship Jesus every day, however briefly — even if they really want to and know it’s very important?

2. What could you do to make sure you connect with Jesus for at least a little while each day? Spend some time brainstorming to come up with a list.

Are there some things in your life — some possessions or activities, perhaps — that might be getting in the way of your relationship with Jesus? Have you ever thought about getting rid of one or more of these in order to give yourself time to connect with Jesus and worship Him for a little while each day?

3. Why is practicing a spiritual discipline — like reading your Bible every morning, praying at the same time every evening, or keeping a journal about your spiritual journey — a good way to maintain your relationship with Jesus? Do you practice any spiritual disciplines like that? If you do, how do they help you connect with Jesus?

4. What is the one thing that will destroy your desire to connect with Jesus each day, and what can you do about it?

Answer: Sin will always interfere with your relationship with Jesus. But if you confess it and repent of it, you’ll rediscover your passion to draw near to Jesus and worship Him.

Consider spending some time playing a game or doing an exercise to help children memorize the “Words to Treasure” Scripture verse.

Material taken from the NIV Adventure Bible Book of Devotions.

I remember, treasure and still have my bedtime bible story book. Children learn and remember the truths of Scripture and can apply them growing in the grace and knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ and come to Him in faith at a very young age. May we be an influence in their lives, giving them such gifts, reading to them, and testifying how Jesus has changed our life, that they might believe! May God give you great wisdom in the gifts you give this Christmas.

Pastor Dale