In all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us. — Romans 8:37
No matter what kind of trouble or challenge you face right now, overwhelming victory is yours through Christ. Not just enough victory to survive or get by. No! A super-strong victory, through Jesus, who loves and lives in you.
The key to having victory in our lives — instead of becoming victims of others or bad circumstances — is Jesus. It is only through Him that success is ours. As you lean on Him and trust Him to give you whatever you need, you will learn by experience that you CAN do all things through Christ, who gives you the strength (Philippians 4:13).
What kind of hard situation are you facing? Has someone in your family discovered they have a serious disease? Has your dad changed jobs, forcing you to move across the country?
Did your nutritional habits change over the summer, and now you don’t want to face your classmates? Do you live in a dangerous neighborhood?
No matter what you face, you are still more than a conqueror.
God is all-powerful — more than enough for any trouble or circumstance — and His Spirit lives in us.
I will ask the Father, and He will give you another Helper, that He may be with you forever. — John 14:16 NASB
The Holy Spirit in us is our helper. As you spend time with God and talk to Him and share your fears, you’ll draw strength from Him. Instead of focusing on your problems, keep your attention on Jesus, the problem solver.
Then be ready for a sweeping victory!
Are you going through a tough situation right now? Or dealing with something from the past? Did you handle it alone? How could you handle it better with God’s help?
Excerpted from With All Your Heart by Kristi Holl, copyright Kristi Holl
Lord, there are things I’m worried about right now. I don’t know what to do, but I know you will get me through this. Please help me to stay calm and trust in You. Thank You for always being there.
Pastor Dale