Notes of Faith April 16, 2021

II Peter 1:1-15

Daily, weekly, monthly, yearly, reminders play an important role in all of our lives.  The reason is: we forget.  What do we forget?  We forget birthdays, anniversaries, important dates or occasions.  Therefore we have to be reminded.  The Scriptures stress the importance of being reminded in the things of God.  Note the features of II Peter 1:1-15.  Let’s analyze this passage with a series of questions.

1.       Do we need to be reminded (vs. 12, 13, 15; 3:1)?

          Note the repetitions in these verses.  No less than five times Peter stresses that reminders are important - even crucial.

2.       What do we need to be reminded of (vs. 1-11)?

•        Privileges - (vs. 1-4).  Privileges of faith, knowledge of God, Divine power, precious promises, partakers of the Divine nature.  Beloved, do we take these blessings for granted?  We have a tendency to, I’m afraid.  Read through this section again.  Think through these privileges carefully.

•        Responsibilities (vs. 5-11).  The main responsibility listed here is that of pursuing spiritual growth (vs. 5-7).  We don’t just float into growth.  There are some things that we have to take action on.  If not, then the life is marked by fruitlessness.  Let’s not take our Christian responsibilities lightly.

3.       Who needs to be reminded (v. 12)?

          New believers need to be informed.  Believers who have knowledge and are doctrinally stable need to be reminded.  The Greek word for “know” in verse 12 means fullness of knowledge.  It also was used to speak of someone traveling with a full load.  These believers were in a settled state or condition.  We in the Grace Brethren Church are extremely well taught.  Better than most!  Therefore we need to be on the alert.  The enemy of our souls is out to undo that if he can.

4.       Why do we need to be reminded (vv. 13; 3:1)?

          The truth is immovable.  We are not.  The only way a Christian can maintain a healthy, stable, fruitful life is to be in constant contact with the only thing that is stable:  The Truth of God!

5.       How often do we need to be reminded (vs. 13, 15)?

          It is incumbent upon every communicator of the Word of God to be consistent and repetitious in their presentation of truth.  It is necessary for all believers to take care that they are careful listeners to the truth.

Closing Thoughts - We cannot take Christian privileges and responsibilities for granted.  Review and keep on reviewing.  These believers evidently had not been reviewing what they had been taught.  Beloved, let’s not make that same mistake. 

Love to you all, Charles Covington

I know that many of you think a pastor must have only so much to say and then he has to repeat what he knows.  Well, that is true to a certain extent, but the Scriptures do repeat often, therefore it must be needed for our benefit.  I will continue to repeat the things that I have learned from God for His glory and your benefit until I can no longer do so.  Let us be reminded of all that we have in Christ!  To Him be all glory, majesty and praise!

Pastor Dale