Leaving on a jet plane early in the morning, thinking of meeting Jesus in the clouds. Praying for all of you while we are away. All our love,
Dale & Robin
Notes of Faith March 3, 2021
I John 3:2-3
Have you ever given any thought to the awesome power of our Lord’s appearing? That power is seen in I John 3:2-3. In verse 2 John calls attention to our glorious position:
Beloved, now we are children of God, and it has not appeared as yet what we shall be. We know that when He appears, we shall be like Him because we shall see Him just as He is. And everyone who has this hope fixed on Him purifies himself, just as He is pure.
Two points loom large and clear in this passage: one future and one present.
1. The power to change us.
“When we see Him, we shall be like Him.” Note what John says - when we see Him. There is something marvelous about seeing our Savior. There will be transforming power at the sight of Him. This is unexplainable. The molecular structure of our bodies will be completely altered when we see Christ. All imperfections of our present state will vanish in an instant of time. Paul says in I Corinthians 15:
Mortality will put on immortality;
Sown a perishable body - raised an imperishable body.
Sown in dishonor - raised glory.
Sown in weakness - raised in power.
Sown a natural body - raised a spiritual body.
What this means is that at the first sight of the Savior, a glorious, miraculous transformation will take place. By and large our bodies will be just like His, only each of us will retain our individual identity.
Yes, the power to change us. But wait! What should that Blessed Hope do for us in the present? This brings us to the second aspect of the Power of His Appearing.
2. The power to challenge us.
“Everyone who has this Hope purifies himself just as He is pure.” There is something magnetic about the coming of the Lord. A drawing power. A desire and determination to take the initiative in seeing change take place in our lives now, to take note of the impurities in our thought life and attitude - then to submit to His authority and let Him replace those imperfections with His perfection. There is something wonderfully comforting and challenging - not in just knowing what He can do but in submitting to His ability and willingness to make us over. Just remember, He always knows what is best for us and He will never hesitate to take what we present to Him and overhaul it (Romans 12:1, 2.)
So beloved, this Easter let us contemplate the power of His appearing to change us and let that glorious reality challenge us in our present circumstances.
Love to you all, Pastor Charles Covington
Many of you may feel you have not experienced the power of God, but let
me assure you that your salvation was one of. if not the greatest miracle and
display of God’s power that has ever happened. Justification, sanctification,
and finally, glorification when Jesus comes to take His bride home. The
power of God takes place every day. Look up, for your redemption draweth
Pastor Dale