“A PSALM OF TRUST” - conclusion
Psalm 27
David pleads to be heard. There were times when David, no doubt, felt totally alone with his problems (familiar)? There were times when he prayed and there was no immediate answer from God.
David pleads to be helped and remembers how God has seen him through in the past. And finally David is assured that if the last bastion of help and hope from human sources fail him - God will never fail. What a comfort!
Keep an open mind to the Lord (vv. 11-12, Luke 11:4)
• “Teach me thy way” - a request for knowledge.
• “Lead me in a level path” - a request for wisdom.
• The Christian’s demeanor should be right on - clear cut - straight - without ambiguity and unquestionable.
• We should be easily read.
• Worldly critics we have with us always.
• We should seek to live life along the plain path - be transparent.
• Don’t give the critic any legitimate grounds for censure.
This requires knowledge of God’s way and wisdom to walk in those ways. We must keep an open mind to the Lord.
Keep a positive outlook on life (v. 13)
• The only way that a believer can keep a positive outlook on life is by faith.
• Faith looks at God’s faithfulness to His people.
• Faith understands God’s character - that He is essentially good and does good.
• David was supported solely by his faith in a loving and good God.
• David believed that He would see the good hand of God in his life because he had seen the good hand of God in his life countless times before. His faith had a precedent.
Keep a patient disposition (v. 14)
• “Wait” means to hope or to be convinced that a thing will be brought about and then to wait steadily and patiently.
• Waiting is always easier when you know that your waiting will be rewarded.
• God has never let you down. Has He brought you up to this moment in time? Then why should you doubt that He will take you through this experience and on to the next one (Phil 1:6)?
Beloved - David’s challenge is to:
Wait on the Lord; Be of good courage,
And He shall strengthen your heart.
Wait, I say, on the Lord.
Have a blessed week. Love to you all,
Charles Covington
Live a life that is pleasing to the Lord. Every breath and heartbeat is a gift from God. Listen to His teaching, learn, and walk in a manner worthy of being His child. "The just shall live by faith." Trust God and live out the faith you have been given. If you are struggling, pray fervently for greater faith. In your trust and dependence on God . . . WAIT patiently for Him to bring about His glory and honor. He will fulfill all of His promises to you and bring you to Himself, to a spectacular place prepared for you.
Pastor Dale