Proverbs 2:1-5
Every sensitive Christian has at least a modicum of desire to know the heart and mind of God. Wherever that desire is present, God will fulfill it. Proverbs 2:1-5 deals with the question, “How may I acquire an intelligent knowledge of God; a knowledge upon facts; facts that lead to discernment and understanding?” In contrast we see the unbeliever’s attitude toward God in I Corinthians 2:14.
The Starting Place:
True wisdom and knowledge begins and ends with truth - the intake of truth from the Word of God and outflow of truth through the child of God (Matthew 4:4).
The Process for Attaining Wisdom:
1. Take God’s Word personally - v. 1
• We receive it - Luke 8:13
• We treasure it - Matthew 13:3-8, 18-25
2. Pay attention to God’s Word - v. 2
• Make your ear attentive. Force yourself to hear what God is saying. Matthew 11:15
3. Pray over God’s Word - v. 3
• Pray for illumination which shows a deep inner hunger for a knowledge of the truth.
That hunger is expressed in fervent petition to God for illumination. James 1:5
4. Really dig into God’s Word - v. 4
• Prayer alone does not bring satisfaction and illumination but must be accompanied
by personal persistent Bible study.
Four requirements for hunting treasure are:
1. The promise of discovery.
2. Having the necessary equipment.
3. Having the necessary will and desire.
4. Applying personal energy and effort in using the equipment.
The fruit of our efforts are:
“Then you will understand the fear of the Lord” - v. 5a
“And find the knowledge of God” - v. 5b
The Bottom Line - You get out of a thing what you put into it!
Beloved, how diligent are we in searching out God’s truths?
Love to all, Charles Covington
James 1:5
If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all generously and without reproach, and it will be given to him.
Pastor Dale