When you bump into massive difficulties on your life-path, I want you to consider it pure Joy. As you bounce off these “impossibilities,” My everlasting arms are wide open — ready to catch you, calm you, and help you do what does not seem possible. You can be joyful in the midst of perplexing problems because I am God your Savior — and I have already accomplished the greatest miracle in your life: saving you from your sins. If you keep looking to Me, your resurrected Lord and King, your pessimism will eventually give way to courage. Though you are an earthbound creature, your soul shares in My eternal victory.
I have infinite Power, so “impossibilities” are My specialty. I delight in them because they display My Glory so vividly. They also help you live the way I intended: in joyful, trusting dependence on Me. The next time you face an “impossible” situation, turn to Me immediately with a hopeful heart. Acknowledge your total inadequacy and cling to Me — relying on My infinite sufficiency. All things are possible with Me!
James 1:2-3; Deuteronomy 33:27 NKJV; Habakkuk 3:17-18; Matthew 19:26
Your prayers are not cries in the dark; they rise to My kingdom of glorious Light. Call to Me, and I will answer you and show you great and mighty things. Mankind has long been plagued with eyes that do not see what is most important. People often fail to perceive the most obvious things. I can perform miracles before their very eyes, yet they see only mundane occurrences — or label them coincidences. Only the eyes of your heart can perceive spiritual realities.
I delight in people who have a teachable attitude. When you come to Me eager to learn great things which you do not know, I rejoice. A good teacher takes pleasure in a student who puts forth extra effort to discover new things. I am pleased with your desire to learn wondrous things from Me. Your openness to My teaching helps you understand the hope to which I have called you, the riches of My glorious inheritance in which you share. You can look forward to living with Me in the Holy City, where the Glory of God provides Light.
Jeremiah 33:3 NKJV; Ephesians 1:18; Psalm 143:10; Revelation 21:23
Find your security in Me. As the world you inhabit seems increasingly unsafe, turn your attention to Me more and more often. Remember that I am with you at all times, and I have already won the ultimate victory. Because I am in you and you are in Me, you have an eternity of perfect, stress-free life awaiting you. There will be no trace of fear or worry in heaven. Reverential worship of the King of Glory will flood you with unimaginable Joy!
Let this future hope strengthen and encourage you while you’re living in this deeply fallen world. When you start to feel anxious about something you have seen, heard, or thought, bring that concern to Me. Remind yourself that I am the One who makes you secure — in all circumstances! If you find your mind gravitating toward an idolatrous way of feeling safe, tell yourself: “That’s not what makes me safe.”
Then look trustingly to Me, and think about who I am: the victorious Savior-God who is your Friend forever. In Me you are absolutely secure!
John 14:20; Psalm 24:7 NKJV; Proverbs 23:18
Excerpted with permission from 40 Days of Jesus Always by Sarah Young, copyright Sarah Young.
Call out to God! He is listening. He is faithful and will fulfill His promise to bring you complete into His presence.
Pastor Dale