In today’s world we are seeking hope as we reckon with a global pandemic, racial injustice, and an economic crisis that is unparalleled in our time. Many of the hardships are being wrapped into the upcoming presidential election.
Today, more than ever, prayer is an essential element in our lives. We should turn to God for direction and the choices He wishes us to make for our nation.
There is tremendous power in prayer. Since our nation’s first days, God’s greatest movements are fashioned and sustained by prayer. From the signing of our earliest documents to our triumphs over darkness, to the spiritual awakening that sustained our faith and resolve over the centuries.
Throughout Scripture and our history as a nation, persistence, prevailing, intentional, and never-ending prayer has always brought the presence of God.
Prayer is a wonderful power placed by the Almighty God into the hands of His saints. When we humbly seek His face in prayer, He is moved to act on our behalf and accomplish His desire for us. When we seek God in prayer for our leaders, we impact the very direction our nation will take.
Will you join me in a 40-day prayer journey for our nation? This guide (If My People) is designed to help quicken your prayers, to encourage you to seek God’s will for our future, and ask Him to continually intercede on behalf of our nation.
Prayerfully seek His face every day, believe that your prayers make a difference, and claim all victory that is and is to come. For there is tremendous power in prayer. We should recognize that freedom is never free.
Throughout the history of our country, men and women were called to make great sacrifices and give their time and sometimes their very lives so we can enjoy freedom, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
With every challenge we have faced, we have risen to defend the nation we cherish. We find ourselves at the crossroads of determining the direction of our country’s future and the role of Christianity in our nation. The devoted prayers of all citizens will impact the future direction of our beloved country.
My prayer is that this book will draw you closer to our Heavenly Father as you commit yourself to pray for our country.
Dwight D. Eisenhower wrote, “Freedom has its life in the hearts, the actions, the spirit of men and so it must be daily earned and refreshed — else like a flower cut from its life-giving roots, it will wither and die.”
God desires that this great nation will turn to Him, read His Word, pray and obey His commands for the good of our country.
Throughout history, God has faithfully led us through trials, wars, economic crises and social issues coming to boil. Every time He has seen us through and blessed our land with more than we deserve. Let us all seek the Lord in prayer for His direction and for our blessed land. The Bible encourages us to call upon the Lord in every situation in our lives and by extension in our land.
Our God who never sleeps will hear our prayers 24/7.
So, it seems right that the one duty of every Christ-following person blessed to live in this country is to pray for the nation. The One we call to has promised to listen.
When we stand together as one nation under God willing to defend the rights that have been granted to us, we will be blessed. The freedom we enjoy comes with the responsibility of each citizen to defend that freedom. God can also use His people in this land to share His love and offer encouragement to neighbors. May His Spirit be our guide as we move forward as His people and as Americans who should guard our land.
Praising God should be an everyday occurrence in this great country we call home. We are blessed with the freedom to live as we wish, vote as we choose, worship where we want, and express our opinion without fear of retribution. These are the privileges we should not take for granted. May God be our guide this November as we plan for the future and prayerfully exercise our right to vote.
Written for Devotionals Daily by Jack Countryman, author of If My People.
These are unprecedented days, aren’t they? What a great opportunity to pray for the world, for our nation, for our leaders in government, for our leaders in communities and churches, for one another, for ourselves!
Pastor Dale