Notes of Faith July 22, 2020

Switching the Price Tags


What is man that You are mindful of him, and the son of man that You care for him?  Yet You have made him a little lower than the heavenly beings and crowned him with glory and honor.  Psalm 8:4-5


Part of the twisted thinking of the fallen human condition is a tendency to switch the price tags on God’s creation – to devalue human life while elevating the importance of other created things.  We can sometimes be more concerned about the condition of our pets and our flower beds, for example, than about the people with whom God has chosen to populate our lives.  For while each of those individual specimens of His creation is certainly important to Him – important enough that He feeds the “birds of the air” and adorns the “lilies of the field” (Matt. 6:26, 28) – His uncommon grace and care for mankind goes beyond all other loves. 


We should not be surprised when we see Jesus reaching out to the poor, the weak, the oppressed and disenfranchised – dirtying His hands over people many would consider of far less value than the other “things” in their lives.


We know from observing our God in Scripture that every life is precious to Him, to be treated with great care, affection, and compassion.  May our affections and actions be shaped by the priorities that matter most to Him.

 Nancy DeMoss


We are the only thing God created in His image and the only ones set apart for salvation.  Though we consider all of God’s creation marvelous and beautiful, we too, should lift up human life as the pinnacle of all!

 Pastor Dale