Notes of Faith May 1, 2020

REMINDER – We will have a DRIVE-THRU goodbye to the Riggs family and lunch in your car at the church on Sunday May 3 at 11:30 a.m.  See below for details

Those who suffer according to God’s will should commit themselves to their faithful Creator and continue to do good. — 1 Peter 4:19

If our kids always behave and our boss is always pleased with us and our home is always orderly and our bodies always feel good and we are patient and kind and thoughtful and happy and loving, others shrug because they are capable of being that way too.

On the other hand, if we have a splitting headache, the kids are screaming, the phone is ringing, the supper is burning, yet we are still patient, kind, thoughtful, happy, and loving, the world sits up and takes notice.

The world knows that kind of behavior is not natural. It’s supernatural. And others see Jesus revealed in us.

You Can Know God

You will seek the Lord your God, and you will find Him if you seek Him with all your heart and with all your soul. —
Deuteronomy 4:29 NKJV

If Adam knew God as a beloved Father,
if Eve knew Him as the original Homemaker,
if Noah knew Him as the Refuge from the storm,
if Abraham knew Him as a Friend,
if Moses knew Him as the Redeemer,
if Rahab knew Him as the gracious Savior,
if David knew Him as his Shepherd,
if Elijah knew Him as the Almighty,
if Daniel knew Him as the Lion Tamer,
if Mary Magdalene knew Him as the Bondage Breaker, if Martha knew Him as the Promise Keeper,
if Lazarus knew Him as the Resurrection and the Life, if Bartimaeus knew Him as the Light of the World,
if John knew Him as the glorious King upon the throne,
surely you and I can know Him too!

The Sufficiency of God’s Power

To Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us,... be glory.
Ephesians 3:20–21 NKJV

If you are questioning the sufficiency of God’s power to resolve your problems and pressures, your suffering and stress, your crisis and change, His answer is the same. The infinite power of the living Logos of God is adequate for any need you or I will ever have.

We may intellectually grasp the truth that God’s power is adequate, but we can never know that by experience if we stay in our comfort zone. If all you ever attempt is what you know you can do yourself, if all your needs seem to be met through someone or something other than God, if you never have any difficulties that are greater than you can bear — how will you know the awesome greatness and personal availability of His infinite power?

It’s when the Red Sea is before you, the mountains are on one side of you, the desert is on the other side, and you feel the Egyptian army closing in from behind that you experience His power to open up an escape route.

He has power to do the supernatural, the unthinkable, the impossible.

~ Just Give Me Jesus

Excerpted from The Joy of My Heart: Meditating Daily on God's Word by Anne Graham Lotz, copyright Anne Graham Lotz.

I received this from a friend and believe the following event will take place on Thursday May 7, 2020.  I will continue to forward information for those who would participate.  (from Dale)



I received word yesterday evening from Mickey Crump at the National Day of Prayer office with Broadcast details for this year's NDoP broadcast. As you know, we cannot meet together because of the virus so consulting with some of you this was agreed to be our best option. Attached is the broadcast flier with information. Bob Bakke is producing the broadcast. I have known Bob for years and consider him to be one of our nation's finest historical authorities on prayer and revival. He has great Youtube postings about US and world revivals, certainly worth your time investment to watch.

Because time is short and I just got this confirmed information, please announce this to your congregations this weekend. I could not confirm the exact live stream link when I talked with Mickey but he said it would be posted on their website shortly. An option is to go to the day of the broadcast for the link.

It goes without saying to be in much extraordinary prayer. God is up to something special and perhaps it is in response to many years of praying for revival.

Call me if you have any questions Cell: (562) 335-4653

Blessings brothers,

Jim Whitney

And finally, a reminder...

We have decided that it would not be prudent for us to open our church doors for services this Sunday, May 3, 2020…even with requested social distancing orders.  However, we WILL have a DRIVE-THRU the parking lot time (at 11:30 a.m.) to say goodbye to Ben, Carissa, Sarah and Parker as they are preparing to leave for a new life experience in Bagdad, Kentucky on May 6. We ask that you stay in your car.  They are providing a lunch from Subway of sandwich, chips, cookie and drink.  You may take it and park to eat and continue sharing with them from a distance if you wish or take your lunch home.  They wanted to provide this gift to you as an expression of their love for you.  God has provided for them in miraculous ways in the last few months as stated in their email/letter that Ben has a job starting as soon as they can get there.  Carissa had an offer before the Covid virus outbreak and will have to wait until it is lifted to know if her offer is still on the table.  Dale and Robin have purchased a home where both Michael and Casey, Ruby, and Ivory, and Ben and Carissa with Sarah and Parker will live.  We would love for all of you to be able to say goodbye but know that circumstances may not permit that.  Do not come if you are feeling sick, know that you have the virus, are afraid of catching the virus due to health concerns that you already have.  They know they are loved and appreciated by all of you.  We hope to have them back in August (for our yearly Almanor vacation) but do not know if they will be here for services. We will try to make arrangements to gather together in August, Sunday or not, to say goodbye, if you are not able this coming Sunday.  This message will be repeated this Friday, Saturday, and Sunday as a reminder.  Please note and understand this…Dale and Robin are NOT leaving.