What keeps you from enjoying the blessings of God? What gets in the way of appreciating His people or discerning His purposes for your life? It is tempting to blame your circumstances, but maybe it could be something else. Maybe it is you!
Many people struggle with feelings of discouragement, why is this happening to me, or just in general negative thoughts. But by focusing only on the negatives, it is easy to miss the encouraging truth of the Word of God.
In Peter's first letter to persecuted believers, he admonished them to remember their great salvation, eternal hope, and true identity in Christ. Although circumstances may have left them feeling alone, abandoned or defeated, the opposite was true. The Lord had not forgotten them. In fact, He called them (and us) "a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for God's own possession." 1 Peter 2:9
Earlier in his letter, Peter pointed out that we "as living stones, are being built up as a spiritual house for a holy priesthood," and Christ Himself is our cornerstone (vv 5-6) When we trust in Jesus as our Savior, we not only receive His Spirit within us, but we are also baptized into His body, the church. We are not individual stones scattered around the ground, without purpose or hope. But like a skilled mason who knows exactly where every stone belongs, Christ lovingly and specifically places each of us into the spiritual house that He is building.
Since we have the role of priests in this structure, our job is to offer up spiritual sacrifices of praise, service, and obedience (v 5) But a priest also has the function of intercessor between God and those who do not know Him. We are living stones who act as bridge builders to dead stones so that they too, may become part of the house of God.
Ps 127:1127 Unless the Lord builds the house,those who build it labor in vain.ESV
As we continue to build the house of the Lord, let us not labor in vain, but pray fervently, stay close to one another virtually, call one another and meet one another's needs as you are able. Continue to share the truth of the gospel of Jesus Christ, especially now, that God might use these trying times to draw unbelievers to Himself. Seek to draw closer to God yourself as you are drawing others to Him.
My fervent prayers are for all of you!
Pastor Dale