Job 11:7
"Can you understand the mysteries of God?
Can you know the limits of the Almighty?
Years ago, Pastor John Piper made a statement, “In every situation and circumstance of your life, God is always doing a thousand” (I think innumerable), “different things that you cannot see and do not know.”
Just in case you flew by that sentence too quickly, go back and read it again. Let the eternal perspective of this statement become permanently burned into your frontal lobe.
This statement could prove beneficial to remember in any circumstance we find ourselves, a prodigal child, an unfaithful spouse, loss of income, a flat tire, a tooth ache, a world-wide pandemic virus.
Regardless of what crisis or complexity may be threatening to engulf your life, God is at work. You may not see Him, but you know He is there. He is not just doing one or two things in your situation but a thousand or more.
Although at times He may allow us to see some of His purposes, enabling us to say, “Oh, that makes sense,” the vast majority of what He is doing is providentially obscured from our finite view.
You will never be able to fully fathom what God is doing this side of heaven…even then, I believe we will continue to have much to learn. You cannot possibly see the end or the outcome of each situation if this life. But you can be sure that God knows what He is doing. He is God and is working purposefully, skillfully, lovingly. And one day when you look back on your journey from heaven’s perspective, you will see His hand in all of those inexplicable circumstances and say with wonder and worship, “He has done all things well!”
How might your attitude toward your circumstances be different if you were convinced He was carefully overseeing every step and detail along the way and doing countless things to bring glory to Himself through any and every situation?
Pastor Dale