April 1, 2020

If a microscopic virus can do this much damage, 
imagine what mustard seed sized faith can do!

​​2 Corinthians 12:9 "My grace is sufficient for you"

The prayer of Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane is perhaps the greatest most moving prayer ever uttered.  Some say that in it our Lord asked that the cup of crucifixion quickly coming upon Him would be taken away.  

I believe that Jesus knowing all things, was looking ahead not only to the physical human experience of excruciating pain, but more so being the Holy, Sinless One, taking on ALL sin, causing however momentary, separation from the Father.  Nevertheless, with His next breath He uttered, Not as I will, but as You will.  Matt. 26:39

When the apostle Paul asked God to remove his "thorn in the flesh," God did not remove it, saying instead, "My grace is sufficient for you."  Rather than complain or become angry with God, Paul joyfully submitted to God's will.  He discovered that God's grace was truly sufficient even in the midst of struggle, pain, and tribulation. 

Christ is with us in whatever crises we may find ourselves.  I would think that the "Covid-19" crises is new to all of us.  I do believe that this virus is bigger than the people of earth have yet to understand.  That said, Jesus is here with us, and though He may not take our circumstances away, we will be overcomers by His power and grace.

Pastor Dale