Notes of Faith November 4, 2020

Almighty God, only You have eternal power. Any human power is borrowed from You. May all those with authority use it for good and to honor You.

— William Tyndale (1494–1536), Adapted

O righteous Lord, You love righteousness. May Your Holy Spirit be with our rulers, that they may govern in faith and honor, striving to put down all that is evil and encourage all that is good. Give Your spirit of wisdom to lawmakers. May they grasp the gravity of the work You have given them to do, that they may not do it lightly. May they put away all wrong and oppression and advance the welfare of all people. 

—Thomas Arnold (1795–1842), Adapted

God, reveal Yourself to those who have power in this world. Help them behold Your glory and humble themselves before You. Build their faith in You; grow their love for Your ways and grow their love for the people they represent. Give them wisdom and discernment; make them pure-hearted, respectful, diligent, and conscientious. Save them from selfishness, pride, corruption, and hardheartedness. May they honor You by honoring those they serve, treating them with dignity and kindness. May they lead with prudence and love, cultivating justice and mercy. Help them persevere in doing what is right in Your eyes, both privately and publicly. Bless and help these stewards of great responsibility, Lord. Weave them into Your kingdom work and use them to carry out Your purposes. — C. M.

O Lord our Governor, bless the leaders of our land, that we may be a people at peace among ourselves and a blessing to other nations of the earth. Lord, keep this nation under Your care…. Send down upon those who hold office the spirit of wisdom, charity, and justice; that with steadfast purpose they may faithfully serve in their offices to promote the well-being of all people. 

— Book of Common Prayer

Almighty God, all thoughts of truth and peace proceed from You. Kindle in the hearts of all people the true love of peace. Guide every leader in every nation in Your pure and peaceable wisdom, so that Your Kingdom may go forward, till the whole earth is filled with the knowledge of Your love.

— Francis Paget (1851–1911), Adapted

Excerpted from A Prayer for Every Occasion by Carrie Marrs, copyright Zondervan.

We need to be much in prayer, depending on God who holds all things in His hands.  We are to continue to live as “little” Christs in a dark and sinful world.  No matter the outcome of our election in the U.S., we serve the only risen and sovereign King.  Live in righteousness and truth and be prepared for the return of the Bridegroom!  The signs of the time are near and clear!

Pastor Dale